Most non-profit organizations have a passionate mission.  Yet, many still struggle with some key areas that keep them from maximizing their mission fulfillment. When I say “key areas” I’m speaking about foundational building blocks like: Fundraising, Board Development, Branding, Community Engagement and more.

So how do you zero in on your problem and make it an opportunity?

That’s where I can help as a “non-profit Doctor”. My work has always been about helping people and organizations get over hurdles, providing them with the tools and confidence necessary for success. At my core, I can help you make a more compelling case to those waiting to support your vision and mission!

For more than 30 years,  I’ve worked effectively on every aspect of non-profit organizational growth and achievement. I have served in executive leadership or at the Board level for over 20 organizations and have consulted with more than 100 groups.

A Brief Background

HomeAid America

Established the first HomeAid chapter in Orange County California in 1989 with a team of dedicated building industry members. Now nationwide, its mission continues to be to provide housing and hope for homeless families and individuals on their way to self-sufficiency.

HomeAid America: Led the national expansion as President and CEO in 1996. Today the organization, in collaboration with local community care providers, is the nation’s largest provider of shelter beds for the temporarily homeless, with eighteen chapters in eleven states.

Served as Executive Director of Homes for Hope (H4H), where I led the conversion of the organization from a program to a stand-alone national non-profit organization, collaborating with a national network of builders and their trade partners to build charity homes.  The proceeds from the homes help Hope International provide millions of dollars for small micro loans to struggling entrepreneurs in developing nations worldwide.

Mike Lennon Consulting

Through Mike Lennon Consulting, I have had the joy of working with more than 100 non-profit organizations, and helped start a dozen  (primarily service-related) non-profit groups. Always, the goal is to help organizations become empowered to help more people more effectively.

Do you want your organization to stand out? To see your mission reach as far and powerfully as it can?
Contact me today and let’s get after it!